RCM Signal
RCM Signal controls traffic lights and a audible horn. You can use RCM Signal when you have bought an RCM Signal Controller from Conrad Electronic oder Devantech. RCM Signal needs the timekeeping software RCM Ultimate or other programs from RC-Timing like RCM Professional, RCM Advanced or RCM Beginners.
RCM Signal is used either with the 8-way relay board from Conrad Electronic (order-no. 19 77 30 - 62. The connection to the computer is described in the manual for the board. Please note, that the jumpers JP2 and JP3 are set in RS232- mode. JP1 must be set to 1-2 cause RCM Signal only communicates with one board.

Further on, RCM Signal can be used with the the 8-way relay board from Devantech (order-no. ETH-RLY16). Regarding the settings of this board please refer to the manual you get with the relay board.


Performance Overview
- Support of several relais moduls
- Configurable events will will trigger switching relais
- Language is adjustable or a new one can be created
- Last configuration setup is stored
License terms
Information about the license terms can be found on the following page: License terms
Hardware requirements
Supported operating system:
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8 / 8.1
- Windows 10
Please install RCM into the directory which is suggested by the setup (if RCM is installed under "C:\Program Files", problems can occure)
Minimal requirements:
- Prozessor: Pentium IV with 1.6 GHz (or more)
- Memory: 1 GB or more
- Diskspace: 2 GB or more
A demo version of RCM Publisher VGA can be downloaded over our website. In order to use this demo version, you must register yourself through our website to receive the required demo license keys. You can find the registration here
The usermanuals as well as other product specific documents can be downloaded here